Owl Eye Comics is less a comics company, and more a collective of like-minded creators who trade inspiration and motivation rooted in the world of indie comics. While Derek W. Lipscomb is the primary name under the banner, he owes a great deal of it's success to his friends who support him and voluntarily aide him on editing and writing for his series.

Derek W. Lipscomb
Born in Providence, RI 1974
Derek is a New England native and has been drawing since the age of
four. Following in his brother's footsteps, he began drawing his own comic books and creating characters ever since. Unlike them however, he refused to grow up, and is still doing it today.
While he does have his degree in graphic design, most of his artistic skills are self-taught. Drawing from a variety of childhood influences that include Godzilla movies, comic books, Star Wars, Saturday morning cartoons and various cinema, Derek enjoys paying homage to these ingredients in his various works. Many of his original art can be found
on his personal website and his Deviant Art profile.
Residing in Southern California with his wife and daughter, Derek works as a Graphic Designer and formerly under the banner of Afro 'Stache Studios, helped co-create and illustrate the comics, Poverty Pack and Poverty Thrill Adventures.
Now venturing out on his own, he writes and illustrates "The Maroon" under his Owl Eye Comics production.
Team Coles
The husband & wife team of W. Brian and Rose Coles graciously grant their precious time when it comes to reviewing Derek's script drafts. Whether it involves punching up dialogue, spelling errors or just questioning his inane choices in story flow, these two have helped him keep The Maroon on a concise course of consistency!

W. Brian Coles
W. Brian Coles is a life-long lover of story. Whether it be penning shorts, writing and editing independent comics, cartooning - The Happy Middle™ (web comic) with his wife Rose, authoring and illustrating his own comic book series - The Mighty Riff™, or even a stab at poetry when no one's looking, creativity is a daily passion. Primarily influenced by the iconic summer movies he grew up with (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future series) and more recent fare such as Firefly and Wonder Woman, he earnestly strives to find the ideal alchemy of "wonder, warmth and whimsy!" in anything he touches. More at www.wbriancoles.com
Rose Coles
Rose Coles honed her skills for brevity and wit while growing up in a large Irish-Catholic family. She applies them to both editing and writing, especially in the areas of dialog and crafting scenes which move along quickly while retaining impact. She believes the reader is smarter than we often give them credit for, and takes great care in capturing the essence of what needs to be said or shown. Her diverse influences include the natural world, Monty Python, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes), the Star Wars saga, Douglas Adams, MGM musicals and inappropriate cross-stitches to name a few.